Beyond Toxic Charity

Addressing Systemic Issues through Authentic and Sustainable Community Partnerships

Central Question: 
In this session, we will examine a Middle School and an Upper School teaching model through the lens of authentic community engagement and systems thinking. Westminster’s Philanthropy 101 course for juniors and seniors, as well as the EngageATL elective course for 8th-grade students, provide hands-on opportunities to listen to, learn from, and engage with community partners while addressing current issues facing the city of Atlanta in a non-toxic way. Join Meghan James, Director of the Glenn Institute and Hartley Jeffries, Middle School Civic Engagement Coordinator from Westminster School for this informative session.

This session addresses:

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
12:00-1:00 pm EST

NNSP Member/ free
Non-NNSP Member/ $30

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