NNSP and Close Up Merger FAQ

What is the merger?
The merger between the Close Up Foundation and the National Network of Schools in Partnership is the result of three years of partnership and collaboration. Bringing together the civic and experiential expertise of Close Up Foundation and the partnership, social impact, and community engagement knowledge of NNSP will allow the combined organizations to work with teachers and students to bring increased civic and community engagement programs and impact to their schools and communities. 

The National Network of Schools in Partnership will remain intact as is and operate inside the Close Up Organization. Blake Kohn will remain the Executive Director and Laura Day will continue as the Senior Program Consultant. The programs typically offered by NNSP will continue to occur including but not limited to the national conference, monthly webinar series, Learning Cohorts, consulting, and regional meetings. 

Why are NNSP and Close Up Foundation merging?
NNSP and Close Up first started to work together in Spring 2020. The two organizations have a clear alignment in their missions and desire to provide high-quality professional development and student programming opportunities. NNSP has established expertise in helping teachers and schools create opportunities for social impact, community engagement, and partnership. Close Up Foundation has long been a leader in civic and experiential education for students. By combining the two strengths, NNSP and Close Up will be able to create programs for both students and faculty that combine civic education with a person’s sense of purpose and allow students to see and create paths for change in their community. Since first working together, NNSP and Close Up have established the Impact series, the National Youth Impact Summit, and the Community Engagement Symposium. With this merger, the opportunities for collaboration and the impact on students’ educational opportunities are boundless.

How does this affect my NNSP membership?
Your NNSP membership will remain exactly the same. Yearly memberships will continue to be $770 and Leadership Circle Memberships will remain $5000. Membership benefits will continue to include access to the NNSP network, unlimited access to webinars, and discounted enrollment fees for both professional development and student programming. New with the merger, members will have access to the abundance of civic resources from Close Up.

What will change at NNSP?
The programming and offerings available from NNSP will remain the same with new programs for both students and teachers developed in collaboration with Close Up Foundation. The mission and vision of NNSP will continue to be the driving force of all programs and will continue to serve as the beacon of all NNSP programs. The merger will, however, give NNSP the ability to expand its work to include more schools and teachers using the well-established network of NNSP will physically move to the Close Up offices in Arlington, VA.

What programs will NNSP offer?
Not only will NNSP continue to offer its regular programs including webinars, learning cohorts, the annual conference, consulting, and the IMPACT student programs, but the merger will allow NNSP to access all of the civic educational resources of Close Up and provide its members with more opportunities to expand their community and civic engagement and social impact programs.

Who will lead NNSP?
NNSP will continue to be led by Executive Director, Blake Kohn and supported by Senior Program Consultant, Laura Day. In addition, NNSP will be supported by the entire staff at Close Up Foundation.

Please feel free to reach out to Blake Kohn if you have any further questions or wish to learn more about the merger.


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