Program Details

Global Awareness Projects:

Enrichment & Access
Brookwood School

In the continuing interest of helping their students to become informed global citizens, each Eighth grade student at Brookwood will be involved in a year-long Global Awareness Project (GAP). The purpose of the GAP is to afford each student the opportunity to collaborate (in real time, contribute to common documents, know names, etc.) with students in other countries (including Rwanda, Uganda, and Brazil) on real-world issues and problems that are relevant to all parties.  Students will work on their GAP throughout the year in small groups, documenting their work digitally. In May, each GAP group will deliver a presentation of their work, collaborations, and accomplishments to an authentic audience comprised of fellow students, teachers, experts, and parents. GAP group themes/issues include such topics as solar energy, girls' access to education, efficient biomass stoves, reforestation, bicycle-powered electricity generation, and safe water and will complement work being done in other parts of 8th grade students' academic year. The Global Awareness Project has been developed in partnership with the Youth Outreach wing of MIT's D-Lab, including D-Lab founder Amy Smith. 

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